Jan's Poetic Collection


Ever wondered why-
There is pain in Music?
How every tune touches the heart?
Every string of a guitar,
Every beat of drum,
Every breath blown into a flute,
Creates an indefinable shiver in us.
Where does this pain come from?
Is there something wrong?
The Pain is of Betrayal,
It's about the lost Trust,
It's about how the most loved ones,
Always Hurt us.
It was one of his own who-
Axed him from the root,
Skinned him off his shoot,
Sliced him into pieces,
Pierced though him,
To give us the music of Pain.
It was him master,
Who gave him pain,
Tore him apart,
Did his master have no Heart,
Why was he so selfish?
That brought about the diminish
Of another live that could give,
The Earth a longer Life.

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