Jan's Poetic Collection


Joys and pains,
Are like drought and rain,
One comes, the other goes,
But no one knows,
When one comes and the other goes.

You have got pains,
You have been hurt,
You might have cried,
You might have felt apart,
But they happened in the past.

Why lament over spilled milk,
Life is not always sick,
Joys are just arriving,
And dreams will come true,
Love is coming to you.

Someone broke your heart,
Yet there's someone else,
Waiting to be your part,
Someone knows your worth,
You are a diamond on Earth.

Bygones are bygones,
And every day is new,
It will bring to you joys,
And someone--
Just made for you.

Come on gather your confidence,
And look over the cover,
You'll find someone,
Waiting just for you
Forever & ever.

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