Jan's Poetic Collection


I know you love me,
Yet, you'll never,
Speak out your heart,
But now ---
The condition is the worst,
Till when should I run--
Run after you for your care,
I know you don't feel so much,
But a day will come,
When you'll for me, run,
Someday the sun will rise from west,
And stars will twinkle all day,
Some day water ---
From plains to hills will flow,
Someday it will snow in summer.
Someday, god will do as humans say,
And you'll choose my love that day,
Together we will face all odds,
And be happy with whatever we have.
But ---
Now you don't bother at all,
May be your heart has frozen to stone,
Or you don't dare to sing the love song,
But remember dear,
Love will always find a way,
And cupid will strike you someday.

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