Jan's Poetic Collection


These are the places,
Where we had met,
These are seats,
Where we had sat,
Those were the days,
You were in my arms,
Sharing the warmth of love.
There are the places,
Where we made promises,
Those were the moments,
When we shared our togetherness.
Those were the times,
When we trusted each other,
And said to one another,
That we'll always be together.
Now nothing is as it was,
Everything has gone haywire,
I can find you nowhere,
And there's a fear,
That I have lost you,
Lost your love forever.
Time has brought me to a situation,
Where I can't even express my emotions,
I can't get in touch with you,
Just to make you recall,
All that has gone through,
I may never find you near,
But I had loved you truly my dear.

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