Jan's Poetic Collection


Pakistan, Pakistan, I have sympathy for you,
But there's nothing I can do,
I know you tried your best,
Still success you could not taste.

Be it '65, '70 or 99,
You had to run for your life
Do you know why?
Because god is always on the right side.

You've tried thrice,
But could not get any prize,
No more chances you'll get,
Next time, on India's feet you'll fall flat.

Look at your nation,
It doesn't have great mothers,
Who can give birth to soldiers,
Those who can be holy warriors.

India has unnumbered sons,
And behind each there are mothers,
Not one but half a billion of them,
So we can't be defeated or brought down.

Try to follow the path of peace,
Every Pakistani child will get food to eat,
Never look into others territory,
Else life will, for you, become a worry.

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