Jan's Poetic Collection


India my motherland,
Doesn't have only gold and sand,
She has millions of brave sons,
Who can stop any enemies advance.

Be it Kargil or Batalik,
Our soldiers are fantastic,
They never show their back,
From every attack they can protect.

Millions are there on the front,
A billion more are backing them,
Victory is the only path, our soldiers can search,
Leaving behind death and life.

India is the only country on earth,
Where each family has at least one birth,
Dedicated to protect the mother's heart,
And tear all enemies apart.

Oh! My brave brothers out there,
We are praying for you here,
Iswar, Allah and Jesus will bless,
Kargil will once more see the tricolor flag.

We know, none of you'll die,
Service to nation has given you power,
To put death down under,
And you've become in mortal forever.

Thank you, mother for your contribution,
In making India the greatest nation,
These jewels your wombs have given,
Is an unpayable debt of every,
Indian man and woman.

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