Jan's Poetic Collection


A mother's heart, A friend's part,
Sister's sweet brother, lover's darling....

All have an enemy,
Though of different families,
They can never be separate,
Each of them has to fight till the end.

Love is so beautiful,
It is something which blooms,
Even on rock or on sand,
And has the best defense.

Yet on this earth so cruel,
Love's greatest enemy dwells,
It breaks hearts,
And makes dearest to depart.

It is disbelieve, its doubt,
That doesn't let love to be proud,
It gives the greatest pain,
And brings life to ruins.

Though it's against love,
Yet it gives love its value.
If love is true it makes it strong,
If not, love is gone.

Faith is the antidote,
And trust is the sword,
Both kills the roots of doubt,
Thus making lovers proud.

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