Jan's Poetic Collection


There have been times,
When you were in my arms,
Giving me all your love,
God's greatest gift to me.

Yet now when you're away,
Time doesn't seem to heave or sway,
Closed or open eyes,
I fine you besides.

Moments pass like years,
But I've one thing dear,
That's your love,
Which always keeps you near.

Still, I'm not satisfied,
For in this world so wide,
I want you by my side,
Every day and each night.

When I can't see you,
Appetite goes out of sight,
Sleep goes for a nap,
Nowhere do I get any depth.

I know, you're in my heart,
Your face is in my eyes,
Your tender touch is on my arms,
And my lips bear your warmth.

But you're not there,
Tell me how I can bear,
These moments of separation,
Times when you're out of my vision.

You're in my thoughts,
Also in every breathe I take,
So for our love's sake,
Come, I want you in my arms cage.

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