Jan's Poetic Collection


Love? It's an affair,
But what's an affair?
A relationship ---
Is it ?
I'm not sure,
But tell me,
How do you go about it?
Just a short meeting --
A bit of understanding,
It's very quick,
If you can feel each other,
Then it's love - isn't it?
May be; for others,
But for me,
It's a feeling that binds you together,
You are unaware--
That you want to be near,
Then its love, to be fair,
Rest is just an affair,
Love is much higher,
It can't fade,
Can't be cut by the sharpest blade,
It can't be burnt,
For it's a fire,
That evokes more with water.
Love is not just an affair,
It keeps you alive forever,
Leaving death down under.

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