Jan's Poetic Collection


Death has captured me,
Separated my soul from the body,
A difference has come,
Between me and my loved ones.
I died, before I should have,
Death has over taken me,
At the time when I should have enjoyed,
My youth life has been destroyed.
I'm deprived of the joys of life,
Why ? Tell me why ?
What have I done so harsh,
That I was sent up.
Up from the earth with a blast,
They didn't want elections,
In this part of the Earth,
But what was my fault?
I wasn't even an adult.
I went to play,
Not aware that it was my last day,
Will this non-sense never end?
Will we have to pay for,
Deed which weren't ours.
We must die, that's true,
But now! Why?
There was a long life ahead,
Yet I had to die.
Because they didn't want peace,
They didn't want us to live,
Someone save us, we don't want to die,
Why is there so much violence?
What will they reply,
To the other part of the sky.
They have brought in destruction,
But for once have they thought,
That they will also be,
One day in this death slot.
Who will be the next generation?
As none will be left to save this nation,
So friends save yourself,
Fight. Fight to live,
Live, you should to save this nation,
I'm dead but you're not,
Use the youth power you've got,
To make India a heaven on Earth.

(Dedicated to the four boys, who died
in the bomb blast at Coimbatore on 17-02-98,
May god grant them the eternal peace)

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