Jan's Poetic Collection

IT WAS A.....

Walking down the river bank,
I stumbled against a stone and fell,
And as I was helping myself up,
I heard a shout,
"Hello can't you see?"
I'm standing beneath thee,
I lost balance and sat down,
The voice yelled at me,
"How dare you sit on me?"
I collected my senses and saw,
What lay beneath me?
What I saw was a surprise,
Something beyond my surmise,
As I removed the stone,
I discovered a small glass cone,
Inside it was a small being.

Like a human but fadely seen,
Thanks, he said, for noticing one,
"Human you won't do wrong--
If you free me,
I'll fulfill your wishes,
And remain slave of your speeches."
I said I need no riches,
And don't believe his false promises.
"I can make you king of earth,
Can fill your life with gold and brass."
I need no treasures,
As I drink no wine,
The life I'm living is very fine.
"Well then sir free me please,
Free me, for I'm a human,
So do me this favor."

I was afraid yet gathered courage,
Opened the cork for humanity's sake,
As he came out he gained size,
He was no human but devil in disguise.
"Human you've called destruction,
For this earth by setting me free.
As I'm annoyed with humans."
I wondered what I could do,
To save the earth from him.
To my utter surprise,
I saw a boy standing by my side,
His eyes bulging out, mouth open wide,
Though amazed, he showed courage,
With patience he said, "You're not right,"
The witch annoyed, asked him, Why?
"You're no devil, Just a big powerless guy."

"How can I prove I'm a Genie?"
"Get inside the cone with your power."
At this the witch smiled,
"It's simple--
 I can do it not once but twice."
As he re-entered I corked the cone,
"What's this ?
It's cheating, I'll cry."
"You're a fool to obey me", said the boy,
So remain where you always should be.
As I put the cone deep inside the earth,
I realized--
Someone was calling me from behind,
It was my sister,
She said--
"It's time you should wake up."

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