Jan's Poetic Collection


It was in the month of May,
The day was looking gay,
I went out to play,
With my dear friends.

Clouds were moving towards us,
The wind brought them more,
I decided to go home,
But there was a heavy downpour.

It was for a while,
But as it stopped upto a mile,
It gave me a surprise,
And made me aware of a new thing in life.

There was something in the sky,
My friends called it a Rainbow.
But to me it seemed like a row,
Of people going to heaven from Earth.

The rainbow I had seen for the first time,
And it looked so fine,
The beauty of seven colours,
It's like a wonder seen from Earth.

Now, I know what a rainbow is,
Yet its beauty will never go,
It gives joy to a child,
And to a man very old.

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