Jan's Poetic Collection

LOVE IS.....

Love is a support to live,
It's a comfort to be achieved.
It is a an affection to be got,
It's something which can't be forgot.

Love makes us live,
It makes us forgive,
It helps us understand,
And lets our horizon to extend.

Love is to be enjoyed,
Without it life is void,
It is to be felt,
And can make even stones to melt.

Love is a sacrifice,
That which is beyond surmise,
It can conquer the world,
Can show beauty in mud.

Love is very divine,
Love means you can't say its mine,
"My" you will forget,
"We" will always protect.

Love needs to be set free,
Though it lies deep within you and me.
If it returns its wish granted,
Else you will have to forget.

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