Jan's Poetic Collection


The smoke that rises, the liquid that enters,
The drugs that's injected, the leaves chewed,
Are taking away moments,
More valuable than diamonds.

The smoke blocks the lungs,
The liquid putrid the stomach,
The drugs infects the blood,
The leaves raze the mouth.

It's leading us to a dirty place,
And the last thing that we will face,
Is death, Death is the ultimatum,
And it'll halt life's momentum.

These are poisons,
And will destroy our lives.
These are things very vice,
Give them up if you are wise.

Can't we give them up?
Kick them out of our life.
Won't we live in ease?
If we avoid all these.

Life is too precious to spoil,
So we should recoil,
From these poisonous dirt,
And end their existence on earth.

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