Jan's Poetic Collection


Life is not nice to me,
Without you my Sweetheart,
Days are cloudy, nights lonely,
Oh! My love, come back to me.

I think of days we were together,
When we shared our joys and sorrows.
Everything is as it was,
Just you are not there.

I go to sleep without success,
My eyes see only your face,
Among all my feelings, I want you to know just one,
I want you and I need you too.

Alone and lonely as I am,
I go to places where we had met,
I wait expecting your return,
And I return everyday without any gains.

I can't pass these lonely nights,
Sitting in dark hoping for light,
Wishing that you were here,
Come back, let's live together forever.

I can't find you,
All my efforts have gone in vain,
Yet here's a wish for you,
Be happy wherever you are.

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