Jan's Poetic Collection (A-Z)
Since you're not around,
It seems nobody is in the town
The sun seems to have lost is light,
It no more seem bright,
The moon seems to have gone on leave
I can't see any stars
Can you believe?
The trees haven't swung with wind,
Birds no longer sing in the morning,
The rivers have either lost their course,
Or they lost their source.
The waves are crushing the shores,
Like a dead child's mother beats her chest in pain.
The morning now start so laze,
But the night doesn't seem to
End its date.
When you were around,
Time always ran, never had its foot on ground.
Now when you're away,
It seems it has stopped moving today,
I know what I am saying,
Is not at all true,
But I'm sure if you understand,
How I feel,
What you mean to me.